Category Archives: Ebay

Already Happening?

I have never really thought about the ramifications of online stores taking over and eventually turning into a potential monopoly for a select few mega corporations from my post yesterday. You can still read it here if you missed it but now I can’t stop thinking about it and I might be making a complete 180 on this whole page and my opinions on online stores and shops.

First Example

I think now that I kind of touched on Amazon and how much I love the company and the choices and conveniences it makes to my life I can talk about an example that is kind of persuading me to change my opinion.

Anyone else remember Ebay?

I remember when Ebay came out and it was huge. It kind of was the Amazon of whatever year it was that it came out. Well I checked out the stock history of the company earlier and sure enough, there looks to be a heavy decline in the past 5 years or so.

It was about this time that companies like Amazon started taking over and overtaking everyone else. Ebay was the mega corporation when it came out and now it seems as though they are passing the torch off to amazon and fading away.

Is this going to be the norm for all of the older companies that used to be huge? I feel like we had a lot more options in just over 5 years or so and I think this is only going to get worse. Am I just getting paranoid on this page again?